Centre Alexandre Koyré (CAK)

The Koyré Centre has a long tradition of research in the History of Science and Technology. The activities of the Centre’s researchers concern the “study and history of scholarly cultures”.

Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES3)

Cermes3 brings together sociologists, historians, economists and anthropologists to develop research on the recent transformations of the relations between medicine, science, health, mental health and society.

Centre d’Economie de l’Université Paris Nord (CEPN)

The CEPN is a joint research unit structured around three themes: 1) financial risks and regulation; 2) political economics and applied macroeconomics; and 3) institutions, markets and intellectual property rights.

Centre Population & Développement (CEPED)

Centre Population & Développement (CEPED) – IRD

CEPED est une Unité Mixte de Recherche associant l’Université Paris Descartes et l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). Le Ceped regroupe : 40 Chercheurs, Enseignants-Chercheurs, Ingénieurs 4 Personnels d’appui à la recherche 55 Doctorants 4 Post-doctorants 2 Chercheurs et assistants contractuels 27 Chercheurs associés Ses recherches portent sur les relations entre populations et développement […]


A dozen researchers from the Knowledge and Development UMR (Joint Research Unit) and the PaLoc (Local Heritage) UMR of the IRD (Institute of Research for Development) is developing an STS approach in their research and contributing to the activities of IFRIS.

CNAM Innovation Group (EA LIRSA and UMR LISE)

Two laboratories of the CNAM that have innovation at the heart of their research themes are part of IFRIS and provide their expertise in the analysis of the social and solidarity economy, in the study of social innovation, and in the building of science and technology scenarios.

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS)

Le LISIS (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés) est un laboratoire de recherche consacré à l’étude des sciences et des innovations en sociétés, localisé à l’Université Paris-Est, créé le 1° janvier 2015.

Laboratory Technology, Territories and Societies (LATTS)

The researchers of the TIO (Technology, Innovation and Organization) team work on three different research thrusts which inform IFRIS’ work: 1) research and innovation policy; 2) information and communication technology; and 3) the governance of universities.
