Mathias Roger

Mathias Roger



Institution de rattachement

Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES3)


Research Center for Medicine, Science, Health, Mental Health, Society (CERMES3)

Thesis funded under the ANR AGORAS project and carried out at the IRSN’s humanities and social sciences laboratory


Soraya Boudia

Title of the thesis

Building the robustness of unpredictable risk governance: nuclear safety against seismic risk

Summary of the thesis

This thesis aims to understand how the evolutions appeared in the seismic risk assessment for the nuclear power plant after the accident of Fukushima Daiichi are part of a long time process. To do so, we use a sociohistorical analysis to highlight the anchoring of recent evolutions in pre-existing dynamics. Risk assessment will be considered here as a process in which scientific and technical issues hybridize with economics and socials issues in the context of a decision-making process (Boudia, 2008). Thus, I will considering the risk assessment, not as an autonomous and analyzable phenomenon as such, but as an object entangled in a complex chaining, starting from the scientific knowledge of a phenomenon, to its material application on industrial installations.


Nuclear – nuclear safety – risk assessment – seismic risk – earthquake – sociology of technology and science (STS) – history of science – maintenance of technical systems

University Education

Master: Risk Engineering at Université Sorbonne Paris Cité 2014/2016

Master: Sociological Diagnosis at Université de Nantes 2013/2014

Bachelor of Sociology at Université de Nantes 2010/2013


Goumri, I., Mangeon, M., & Roger, M., “Analyzing nuclear safety over time: a return to investigation practices based on a socio-historical approach”. The risk notebooks, forthcoming

Roger, Mathias, “A History of the Interface between Earth Sciences and Nuclear field (1950-1983): Professor Jean-Pierre Rothé and French Civilian and Military Nuclear organizations”, Cahier de François Viète, forthcoming

Teaching activities

Risk and Social Sciences – Université Sorbonne Paris Cité – Master Risk Engineering – 2017/2018
