Université Gustave Eiffel in Paris/Marne La Vallée opens two post-doctoral positions within the project conducted by LISIS, Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Sciences, Innovations and Societies (http://umr-lisis.fr/) entitled
City Sustainability: form ‘de facto’ via ‘proactive’ to ‘transformative’ innovation policies
And managed by Mireille Matt (LISIS), Matthias Weber (LISIS and AIT) and Philippe Larédo (LISIS and MIOIR, University of Manchester).
(see text attached for a short project description)
The positions are for two years, starting September 2020.
The location is split between Paris (LISIS) and Vienna (AIT).
Candidates need to have obtained their PhD with a specialisation either in urban studies (and in particular Urban planning) or in innovation policy studies, with demonstrated interest to
the other domain.
Candidates need to be fluent in English and at least in one of the two national languages French and German.
Candidatures should be made of a detailed CV, a motivation letter and one relevant publication (book chapter or journal article). They should be addressed to Mireille Matt, mireille.matt@inrae.fr
Deadline of application: June 12th 2020