[Science, Technology and Human Values] – « Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation » et « Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation « 

Suite au colloque « Pervasive powers. Corporate authority in the shaping of public policy » tenu en juin 2018 à l’Université Paris Dauphine, deux publication sont parues :
La première publication est un numéro spécial de la revue Science, Technology and Human Values titré Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation (déjà accessible)
La seconde publication est un ouvrage collectif paru aux éditions Routledge titré Pervasive Powers. The Politics of Corporate Authority (ouvert à la pré-commande)
Ces publications rassemblent les contributions des chercheur.se.s d’horizons disciplinaires variés (histoire, sociologie, science politique, Science and Technology Studies) qui proposent d’analyser le pouvoir que les grandes entreprises et les industries exercent sur les régulations publiques et le monde social par le biais des instruments, espaces et répertoires d’action que celles-ci emploient.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les résumés,

« Research on the influence of industry on chemical regulation has mostly been conducted within the framework of the production of ignorance. This special issue extends this research by looking at how industry asserts its interests––not just in the scientific sphere but also at other stages of policy-making and regulatory process––with a specific focus on the types of tools or instruments industry has used. Bringing together sociologists and historians specialized in Science and Technology Studies (STS), the articles of the special issue study the arenas in which instruments and practical guidelines for public policy are negotiated or used. The aim is to observe the devices in the making or in action, from the selection of actors to the production of thresholds, criteria, and other technical regulations. The introduction highlights how industry influence on expertise and regulation is undoubtedly far more pervasive and multifarious than has been conceptualized to date by social scientists. Putting this issue back at the heart of both the STS and social sciences research agendas is increasingly urgent and could lead to new inquiries able to highlight these logics even more widely, using fresh empirical examples. »

Résumé de l’ouvrage collectif Pervasive Powers. The Politics of Corporate Authority

« In an era of systemic crisis and of global critiques of the unsustainable perpetuation of capitalism, Pervasive Powers: The Politics of Corporate Authority critically questions the conditions for the maintenance and expansion of corporate power. The book explores empirical case studies in the realms of finance, urban policies, automobile safety, environmental risk, agriculture, and food in western democracies. It renews understanding of the power of big business, focusing on how the study of temporalities, of multi-sited influence and of sociotechnical tools is crucial to an analysis of the evolution of corporate authority.

Drawing on different literatures, ranging from research on business associations and global governance to that on the social production of ignorance or on corporate crime, this book aims at contributing to existing works on the capacity of corporations to rule the world. Unlike approaches focused on economic elites and on the political activities of firms, it goes beyond analysis of the power of corporations to influence policy-making to depict their unprecedented capacity to transform and shape the social world. Operating in numerous social spaces and mobilizing a wide range of strategies, corporate organizations have acquired the pervasive power to act far beyond mere spaces of regulation and government. »


Sara Angeli Aguiton, Marc-Olivier Déplaude, Emmanuel Henry, Nathalie Jas, Valentin Thomas,
