Rita Chuanhui Li

Rita Chuanhui Li


PhD candidate

Institution de rattachement

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS)


Managing global R&D in MNCs: Patterns of R&D configuration and empirical evidences
Dupervised by Prof. Dr. Philippe Laredo, Dr. Aurelie Delemarle

Continued growth of R&D globalisation in emerging countries makes R&D configuration in a global scope extremely complex. This challenges multinational firms to devise an appro-priate technology strategy and manage the configuration for R&D accordingly.

This study focuses on the types of R&D units and patterns used by MNCs to configure their global dispersed R&D activities. Five types of R&D units and three global R&D configuration models are identified from the literature. In this paper, we argue that the way the global dispersed R&D activities are configured, should be interrelated with the corresponding characteristics on managerial tools. In particular, we focus on three dimensions – the interdependence, local responsiveness, and mechanism of control – and how they vary across the three different patterns of global R&D configuration.

This study will contribute to the existing literature by deriving and testing a new typology of global R&D configuration. This study will also be one of the few studies explicitly bringing the organizational theme and managerial theme.

