
IFRIS Annual Conference 2013

The 2013 IFRIS annual conference took place on January 22nd, in the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, room David-Weill.

Morning Program

09.00-09.15  Welcome

09.15-09.30  Introduction by Pierre-Benoît Joly

09.30-11.00  Conference by David Edgerton (Imperial Secondary school): The shock of ancient
Respondents: Jean-baptist Fressoz and Pierre-Benoît Joly

11.00-11.30   Break

11.30-13.00   Conference by Barry Bozeman (University of Georgia): The public stocks of science
Respondents: Pascal Petit and Philippe Larédo

13.00-14.30   Lunch Break

Afternoon Program

14.30-16.00   Session 1 – Innovations and markets construction
Jean-Paul Gaudillière and Aurélie Delemarle

16.00-16.30   Break

16.30-18.00   Session 2 – Economic knowledge and public policy
Benjamin Coriat, Michel Armatte and Benjamin Lemoine
18.00-19.00   Cocktail

Getting to the Cite? internationale universitaire de Paris
