
Pierre-André JUVEN reçoit l’accessit du prix article de l’année pour la revue Techniques Hospitalières

Pierre-André JUVEN a reçu l’accessit du prix article de l’année pour la revue Techniques Hospitalières.  La remise du prix a eu lieu le 25 mai 2016 lors de la Paris Healthcare Week.

Son article propose une réflexion sociologique sur le caractère politique et social des opérations de quantification telles que le calcul de coûts et la fixation des tarifs hospitaliers. Interrogeant notamment les cas des séjours extrêmes il montre les effets que les calculs ont pour les patients, pour les professionnels soignants et plus généralement pour l’hôpital. En observant l’inadéquation de certains coûts et de certains tarifs, l’article s’interroge sur la distance à prendre avec ces mesures et invite à une forme de prudence métrologique.

Pour accéder à l’article de Pierre-André Juven:


Summer School on Controversies and Conspiracies, FORCCAST Sept. 5-7, 2016

Summer School on Controversies and Conspiracies

FORCCAST Sept. 5-7, 2016

From September 5 to 7, the research and pedagogical programme FORCCAST will host its 2016 and third summer school in Paris (Sciences Po): Controversies and Conspiracies – Conceptual boundaries and empirical practices.

Conspiracy theories challenge an already problematic definition of sociotechnical controversies on three dimensions,?which will influence the programme of this summer school:

  • a shared focus on dissenting expertises, and a thorough study of technical and material evidences, therefore highlighting the need for a more accurate definition of sociotechnical controversies.
  • these forms of dispute are now identified as social and historicized ones, that belong to a common repertoire and can sometimes be mobilized as such. For example, some conspiracies strategically mimic controversies in order to spread ignorance.
  • an understanding through massively available digital footprints. By the use of the semantic field of “networks”, they support the existence of a new regime of knowledge production, and propose methods to deal with it.

This summer school aims to gather a group of scholars and teachers, and involve them in the collective production of concepts, research and pedagogical methods, around the following question: Is controversy mapping fit to tackle conspiracy theories, and how?

Speakers: Luc Boltanski, Bruno Latour, Kyle McGee…

Scientific programme:

Application form:

Deadline: May 22, 2016

The summer school will be limited to 25-30 participants. The language will be English. This event is free of charges (including lunches). Participants are expected to organize their own travel and accommodation.

Contacts :

Thoams Thari :

Controversies and Conspiracies – Call for Applications

12ème conférence internationale de l’AFD sur le développement Communs et Développement

12ème conférence internationale de l’AFD sur le développement Communs et Développement

1 et 2 décembre 2016, Paris


La 12ème conférence internationale de l’Agence française de développement (AFD) sur le développement est organisée en partenariat avec la Fondation pour les Études et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI), le Centre de coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) et le Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l’Environnement (CRIOBE). Elle se tiendra les 1er et 2 décembre 2016 à l’Agence française de développement.

5 rue Roland Barthes,
75598 PARIS CEDEX 12

La date limite de réception des propositions de communication est fixée au mercredi 1er juin 2016. Le comité scientifique fera connaître les communications retenues avant le 31 juillet 2016. Les textes définitifs devront être envoyés au plus tard le 31 octobre 2016.

La conférence sera introduite par Gaël Giraud, chef économiste, AFD, CNRS, Paris, France. Les Keynote speakers confirmés sont :

  • Jean-Michel Severino, président d’Investisseurs & Partenaires, directeur général de l’AFD de 2001 à 2010, ancien membre du Panel de haut niveau des Nations Unies sur l’agenda post-2015, président de la plateforme de réflexion Convergences
  • Ravi Kanbur, professeur d’Economie à l’Université de Cornell, ancien directeur du World Development Report et ancien chef économiste pour l’Afrique à la Banque mondiale
  • Amy Dahan, directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS et membre émérite du Centre Alexandre Koyré (CNRS-EHESS)
  • Eduardo S. Brondizio, professeur d’Anthropologie à l’Université d’Indiana, co-directeur de l’Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (ACT) et membre de l’Advisory Board of the Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis à l’Université d’Indiana
  • Chimère Diaw, directeur général du Réseau Africain des Forêts Modèles et membre du Réseau International des Forêts Modèles
L’objectif de cette conférence est de rassembler et faire dialoguer les recherches menées sur l’articulation Communs et dynamiques de développement, à l’échelle internationale, en faisant appel à une pluralité de grilles d’analyse et de disciplines. Que nous enseignent les communs locaux en termes d’impact sur le développement des pays du Sud ? Comment appréhender les communs en termes d’acteurs, de modèles juridiques et d’indicateurs ? Comment caractériser les communs en termes d’interactions avec les sphères publique, marchande et politique ? Qu’est-ce que les communs apportent dans la réflexion sur les biens publics mondiaux ?
Contacts :
Pour plus d’information, veuillez contacter: Stéphanie Leyronas  – Mail:

IRD PhD Grants program

The « Allocations de recherche pour une thèse au Sud” (ARTS) is one of the programs supporting the strengthening and consolidation of research potential in southern countries being implemented by IRD. Through this program, IRD intends to help with the initial training of scientific staff in southern countries.

IRD PhD grants are intended to support PhD students from southern countries who are writing a thesis under a partnership between a northern research team and a southern research team, providing them with supervision and a good quality working environment and, in so doing, strengthening these countries’ research capabilities.
The goal is to prepare & encourage young researchers to integrate the higher education and research system of a southern country, after finishing their thesis.

Deadline for your submissions: 31 May 2016

Email address for electronic copy of the application:

For more information about this program :

Documents to download:

Allocations de recherche pour une thèse au Sud

L’IRD lance un nouvel appel à projets dans le cadre du programme Allocations de recherche pour une thèse au Sud (ARTS), l’un des programmes d’appui au renforcement et à la consolidation des potentiels de recherche dans les Suds, mis en œuvre par l’IRD.
À travers ce programme, l’IRD entend contribuer à la formation initiale des personnels scientifiques des pays du Sud.

Les bourses de thèse « ARTS » sont destinées à soutenir des doctorants des pays du Sud qui réalisent une thèse dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre une équipe de recherche du Nord et une équipe de recherche du Sud leur garantissant un encadrement et un environnement de travail de qualité et, par là même, à renforcer les capacités de recherche de ces pays.
L’objectif est de préparer de jeunes chercheurs à intégrer, au terme de leur thèse, le système d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche d’un pays du Sud.

Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2016.

 Le dossier doit être transmis uniquement par voie électronique à

Documents à télécharger :

International Colloquium « Interdisciplinarity in policy studies » – September 15th/16th, 2016 – University Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée

  IDEP 2016 – Call for papers

If there is agreement on the fact that the concept of governance refers to the analysis of how the public and private actors are involved in the formulation of policy or contribute to defining its content and its implementation, while governance necessarily articulates several levels between them, connects several dimensions of collective action, refers to differences in scale, connects a variety of actors and territories. Ultimately, governance is based on a variety of representations and by a multiplicity of disciplinary approaches opening a way to interdisciplinarity.

This is such a crossing of approaches and disciplines that aim this call for papers “taking seriously” the idea that if governance is multi-level or multi-scale. But it is necessary to examine or re-examine according to what (s) point (s) of view, to what degree, and what lessons can be inferred from a theoretical or practical level. If “account level”, what level are they? How are the different scales? Between which actors? Which “spaces” or which « territories »?

Indeed, multilevel governance can’t probably be reduced to “a Russian doll nested skills” to use an image used by Gary Marks (and Liesbet Hooghe), or a particular form of “dispersion of the deciding authority multiple territorial levels” as it seems to match the case of the European Union. It is itself multiple, and interdisciplinary meeting should be able to restitute such a multiplicity by analyzing different configurations subnational, national, regional or global.

The international colloquium IDEP 2016, proposes to consider multilevel governance less as a preset notion that as a search field to explore by the interdisciplinary bet. This is why the call to communicate addresses researchers involved in multilevel governance regardless of their disciplinary anchor (political science, law, economics, management, sociology, history, philosophy), they are part a single approach, multi or interdisciplinary .

We suggest your draft of communication falls within the framework of the following axes :

Axis 1: The question of the level in multilevel governance

How to tackle « the (s) level (s) » in the multi-level governance? Must we approach the level of implementation of public action (empirical dimension, related to the subject, which opens many questions, including morphological, on areas of public action, levels of decision)? Is it a perspective or a theoretical scale of choice (work on the logic of centralization / decentralization / regionalization, the key role of interim regulations, the different theories of globalization, the “multi-track diplomacy”)? Does proposed a methodological and epistemological position (by levels “micro” and “macro” and problematic passages from one to the other)? Which « levels » are we referring in law, political science, sociology, and how does this lead to specific representations of governance itself? The level he anchored in space or in the territory?

Axis 2: Exploring the creation and evaluation of « multilevel” public action  

This axis is meant, more specifically, for public policies analysts, whatever their discipline. On the one hand we may question on the uses of the notions of multi-level governance and its inputs in the process of understanding the making and the evaluation of public policies. For instance we may examine the emergence of new public action scenes and how they interfold, or the way the redistribution of powers between the different actors is implemented.On the other hand we may question on the effects of this pattern of government through the study of sectorial policies (employment, education, public health, environment) or more transversal (horizontal) policies (urban development, mobility, international relationships). Focusing on the effects of the intermingling (interfolding) of so many actors, we may also search about the dilution of responsibilities, the increasing of conflicts, the rises of possibilities for cooperation and its difficulties, the redefinition of the public intervention content and of its participants, its efficiency and of the hybridization between public and private governance.The issue of regulation can also be addressed by studying different function logics (competitive , contractual and otherwise) that impose a redefinition of relationships and spaces between public and private actors.

Axis 3: “Territories” of the multi-level governance

The territories where multi-level and “multiscale” governance are exercised have multiplied. This questions the diversity of scales (local, national, global) as well as the nature of the actors (public, private, institutional) whose interactions constitute the core of governability of the contemporary societies.The draft registered in this axis are to highlight (demonstrate) the relationships between the reality (the field, the ground), the different actors and the mode of governance which is performed (experienced) or which could be conceivable. The reference to case studies will allow, in an empiric manner, to develop and test theoretical assumptions.

Axis 4: Generate and mobilize knowledge: issues of multilevel governance in connection with the field of « science and technology »  

Multilevel governance refers to a set of producers and / or knowledge of users. This is particularly the case in the context of the governance of science and technology. This axis aims to examine the relationship between knowledge and power, expertise (instituted or instituting) and decision, construction and use of knowledge and data while governance of science and technology is exercised at multiple levels, producing effects on content and format of the products and knowledge mobilized (prioritization, legitimation, alignment, standardization, regulation). What practical modalities of production, circulation, layout and use of knowledge, they specify a multi-level governance? To what extent do they direct the course and choices? Communications offering to answer these questions based on field research will be welcome.

These axes can be adapted with the help of contributors, who are required to specify in their applications:

  • Design (theoretical, empirical and methodological) « levels » considered;
  • The reasons (theoretical, methodological or empirical yet again) why the « standard account » and why it is necessary to consider several levels in the analysis (and by which analytical methods);
  • How interdisciplinarity allows them to meet these analytical challenges.

Response modalities and timetable

Communication projects (individual or collective) describe precisely the questions, the objects studied, interdisciplinary dimension and mobilized methods. The authors specify their institutional affiliation and their disciplinary affiliation.

The proposals take the form of a 500-word (maximum) and 5 keywords. They must be submitted by May 9, 2016 on the link ColloqueIDEP2016.

The assessment returns communication projects will be notified as from 27 June 2016.

The full papers (in French or English) must be sent in word format beforeSeptember 5, 2016.

For more information : IDEP 2016_en




Eu-SPRI Forum PhD Circulation Award

Eu-SPRI Forum PhD Circulation Award

Call for proposals for doctoral researchers

Twelfth submission deadline: 11 March 2015

EU-SPRI Forum invites PhD researchers to apply for the next round of PhD circulation.  This call is open to doctoral researchers in their second year of PhD thesis or beyond (and early stage researchers, who have completed their PhD within the past 12 months, in exceptional circumstances).

Topic Areas supported

This mobility call is restricted to research topics relating to science, technology and innovation policy including studies of science, technological innovation processes and entrepreneurship which may have relevance for policy.

How to apply

1.      You must first discuss your proposed visit with a potential supervisor at your chosen host institution. Both the ‘PhD Home’ institute and ‘PhD Host’ institute must be members of the Eu-SPRI Forum Network.  You must confirm that they are prepared to accept you if your proposal is selected.

2.      Send the following documents to :

  • A completed application form (download from Eu-SPRI Forum web site; (This does not need to be signed by all parties at application stage)
  • A Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter / email of support from Host Supervisor
  • Letter / email of support from Home Supervisor
  • 1 other academic reference

3.   Your application will be evaluated by a committee from the Eu-SPRI Forum Training Group.  You will be informed of the outcome when a decision has been made (within 1 month).

Application guidelines

  •  The proposed location should be in a different “national system” so that the PhD researcher experiences a different institutional environment.  An application to move, for example, within the Netherlands would not be accepted.
  • Length of circulation visit should be at least 3 months.
  • In the Letter of Intent, be as specific as possible about what you intend to do at your host institute.  Detail why you wish to visit that particular institute; how it will contribute to your research; what you hope to achieve.
  • Prepare your proposal thoroughly, look at the criteria for selection, and make a good case.  The awards are competitive, and you need to present yourself well.  Have a specific objective of the stay.  This could be to work on an area of theory with experts, or to undertake fieldwork in a different country, for example.  Think about the potential benefits which may arise in the longer term.  Make sure you put in sufficient material to convince the reviewers.
  • Ensure that the place you want to visit is a good match for you and your work, and make sure that the researcher(s) you want to work with will actually be there and are willing to host you.  Making preliminary enquiries about practical arrangements is also a good idea.  However, if someone at another institution has agreed in principle to accept you, your proposal may still be subject to a request for further revision or rejected.
  • Ask someone (perhaps your supervisor) to review your proposal before you submit it.
  • Your research must be relevant to the Eu-SPRI Forum Network.  For more information see web site.

Both the ‘PhD Home’ institute and ‘PhD Host’ institute must be members of the Eu-SPRI Forum Network.  Therefore, you may only apply to institutes that are ‘PhD Hosts’ within Eu-SPRI Forum Network.  See list above and web site.

The criteria for evaluating proposals are:

  • Quality of the candidate
  • Quality of the PhD project
  • Relevance of the project to Eu-SPRI
  • Expected benefits of stay for host institution
  • Expected benefits of stay for research career and PhD studies
  • Balance of student flows

Further details

Eu-SPRI will award a lump sum of 2.000 Euros per candidate (for travel expenses and accommodation).  If your application is successful, the letter of Intent must then be signed by all parties who must agree to the terms outlined in it. On completion of the circulation you must provide an evaluation report to the Eu-SPRI  network which will be placed on the website. If you think you need any further information please email or

PhD course on research design, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) organizes a PhD course on social science research design and methods.

The purpose of the course is to provide PhD students with hands-on skills and an overview of key issues regarding research design and methods in the social sciences.
Students will learn about and apply concepts of social science research design and learn to present these concepts in their own dissertations and future research articles.
The course is aimed at PhD students at any stage in their dissertation.
It runs in two Parts:
  • Part I: Aug 29th-31st, 2016
  • Part II: 3rd-5th Oct, 2016
Students from outside CBS are most welcome.
Susana Borrás for further questions:

More details about this PhD course

École thématique de l’IFRIS, 06 -10 juin 2016 | Athènes, Grèce

Titre: « Symétrie / Asymétries. Les inégalités de savoirs et de pouvoirs sous le regard des STS »

Date: Du 06 au 10 juin 2016

Lieu: Athènes, Grèce

L’École Thématique de l’IFRIS 2016 aura pour objectif de discuter la question des inégalités cognitives, sociales, politiques, économiques et environnementales dans le champ des STS. Il s’agit tout à la fois d’examiner comment notre champ, en comparaison avec d’autres champs disciplinaires, s’est saisi de cette thématique, à travers quels objets et quelles approches.

Par ailleurs, une journée de présentation de réflexion sur les conséquences de la crise sur la société et la recherche en Grèce aura lieu le lundi 6 juin, en marge de l’École Thématique. Un programme plus détaillé circulera prochainement.


Vidéo : École Thématique IFRIS  – Résumé










Vidéo : Entretien avec Daniel Kleinman, professeur University of Winsconsin









Vidéo : Entretiens avec Georgia Bekridaki, membre de l’organisation « Solidarity for All », Petros Linardos, économiste spécialisé en économie sociale et Jean-Louis Laville, professeur, chercheur au laboratoire LISE, CNAM











Vidéo : Entretiens avec Spyros Georgatos, , National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Aris Xenakis, directeur de recherche à la fondation nationale hellénique de Médecine, Chimie et Biotechnologie et Stathis Araspostathis,











Programme École Thématique IFRIS 2016

Appel à participation 2016
