Séminaire Scientifique de l’IFRIS – « Frugal innovation research in India: thematics, challenges and lessons » de Saradindu Bhaduri – 17/06/2022

Séminaire Scientifique de l’IFRIS

Saradindu Bhaduri, Professeur Invité, spécialiste de l’innovation frugale en Inde, présentera ses travaux sur le thème:

Frugal innovation research in India:
thematics, challenges and lessons

Le 17 juin 2022 de 13h45 à 15h15
au laboratoire LISIS, salle 101
(Université Gustave Eiffel, Marne la Vallée)

Résumé de la présentation
The Indian frugal innovation landscape is largely represented by jugaad, grassroots and informal sector innovative activities. A diverse set of values and motivations, a thrust on experiential knowledge, and an emphasis on ‘what works’ in the actual environment (as opposed to ‘what ought to work’) seem to guide such innovative activities. In this talk, I present some of the central thematics of research on frugal innovations in this part of the world, the key challenges such research faces, and the main lessons from the Indian experience. Mainly, the implications of low scalability, incrementality and context specificity of these innovations will be taken up for further discussion. In light of the ‘pandemic-enforced’ appreciation for low cost, fast, innovative solutions across countries, the talk aims to motivate a discussion on regulatory mechanisms and support systems conducive to the emergence and sustenance of such innovations.

Documents accessibles en ligne

Venez nombreux, venez curieux !


Saradindu Bhaduri held the Prince Claus Chair in Frugal Innovation for Development and Equity (2015-17) at ISS (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam). He is Associate Professor at the Centre for Studies in Science Policy, at JNU New Delhi, and the Coordinator of the proposed JNU-CFIA Transdisciplinary Research Cluster on Frugality Studies. Furthermore, he is closely involved in the further development of the ICFI’s (International Centre for Frugal Innovation, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities) research agenda.


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Contact : Lynda SILVA lynda.silva@univ-eiffel.fr. Tel :

Adresse : Laboratoire LISIS/IFRIS
2 allée Jean Renoir – 1er étage – salle 101
93160 Noisy le Grand
RER A : Noisy-Champs  Sortie : Champy

