
La plateforme CorText à l’épreuve de l’analyse de corpus historiques

Les outils de la plateforme CorText ont été mobilisés pour cartographier l’ensemble des discours de l’État de l’Union présentés annuellement par le président américain au Congrès depuis Georges Washington en 1790.

A partir de ce corpus purement textuel, une analyse temporelle originale a permis d’identifier 1917 comme l’année charnière faisant basculer la politique américaine dans une ère résolument moderne. Cette métamorphose peut-être caractérisée plus finement à travers la visualisation des transformations des principales catégories discursives identifiées au cours du temps.

Ce travail a donné lieu à un article publié dans PNAS en collaboration entre Columbia University et le LISIS.

FAO – INRA Researcher-Practitioner Workshop, 23 – 25 June 2015, Bogota, Colombia

This workshop is a joint initiative between the Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP) and the Rural Infrastructures and Agro-industries Division (AGS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). It brings together work being conducted within two synergistic projects:

Beginning in 2013, AGP-AGS-INRA began an international survey of innovations that link sustainable agricultural practices with markets in developing countries with an open, competitive call for case studies. Fifteen case studies from around the world (4 Latin American and Caribbean, 6 African and 5 Asian and Pacific) were developed in 2014. These case studies and the meta-analysis of institutional innovations and how these create linkages between sustainable agriculture and local markets will be published as an Edited Book in 2015.

Beginning in 2015 as a joint project between AGS and INRA, which capitalizes on the work of the first project, is collecting more systematized data of the key components of market construction so to analyze the opportunities and challenges of creating sustainable market linkages. A case study methodology is used to collect data from 6 of the cases on agro-ecology systems that were involved in the first study, three from experiences carried out with the help of Slow Food International and three additional cases that fill in geographic and farming system gaps in the existing range of experiences.

Through these two projects it became apparent that there are a wealth of experiences about sustainable practices and linkages to markets that are occurring under the radar all across the world. This workshop is a way to create visibility for these experiences and to work towards strengthening the already existing work through future collaboration.


The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to:

1)      Share experiences  on  how to create diversified markets for sustainable products in developing countries

2)      Identify lessons to initiate a practitioners’ guide on building market linkages for sustainable products;

3)      Identify capacity building and research needs of practitioners.


For more information and agenda : Agenda_En



Call for Applications: CRE8TV.EU: PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop Innovation, Creativity and Competitiveness

CRE8TV.EU: PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop Innovation, Creativity and Competitiveness, 17-18 September 2015, Manchester, UK

Supported by the European Commission funded FP7 project: “unveiling creativity for innovation in Europe” (CRE8TV.EU), Manchester Business School is pleased to announce a two-day workshop for PhD students and early careers researchers.

The workshop aims at supporting attendees in:

• developing their research projects with a view to publication, especially in (innovation) journals;

• fostering knowledge exchange and networking among fellow researchers working on topics related to innovation and creativity;

• enhancing their ability to receive and deal with developmental feedback on their work along with reviewing and discussing the work of colleagues.

The majority of the time at this two day workshop will be spent discussing papers at an advanced stage of development. Each paper will be introduced by the author, and then discussed by one senior and one junior discussant. Senior discussants who have agreed to participate include:

• Beatrice D’Ippolito (University of York)

• Silvia Massini (The University of Manchester)

• Andrea Mina (University of Cambridge)

• Ammon Salter (University of Bath)

• Jonathan Sapsed (University of Brighton)

• Bruce Tether (The University of Manchester)

Local organisers:

Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester Business School.

Further information:

For further information about the CRE8TV.EU Conference for Early Career Researchers will be provided on the CRE8TV.EU website.


Call for Applications_CRE8TV.EU Early Careers Workshop_17-18Sep

RISIS – Introductory course on patent databases

In the framework of the RISIS project (, an introductory course on patent databases describing the features and potentialities of the Corporate Invention Board (CIB) and Nano patent databases will be organized at the Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée in Paris the 8th and 9th of October 2015.
The course is free of charge; admission is based on the first-come first-serve principle.

Interested participants are kindly requested to send an e-mail to : before the 15th of July.

More information on RISIS training activities and upcoming course can be found on the following URL:


Leaflet Patent course

Professional Master’s degree in Digital Innovation Studies (NUMI)

The interdisciplinary laboratory Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS) announces the opening of a new professional Master’s degree in Digital Innovation Studies (NUMI) in the academic year 2015 -2016.

The professional Master’s degree in sociology of « digital worlds » (NUMI) teaches the « digital methods » for human and social sciences. It proposes a learning on sociological analysis in the political, economic and social sectors.

The purpose of this Master’s programme at the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM) is to provide skills permitting to analyse the impact of digitisation of our societies. The spread of spheres of digitization, the tracks left online by Internet users and data generated by connected technology, offer to sociology the opportunity to exploit and use the information of a new nature and massive quantity. This master program teaches the digital methods for this operation, meaning the combination of statistical machine learning of artificial intelligence with the qualitative methods of sociology.

The NUMI training is the only one in France to articulate the digital methods with the analytical frameworks of sociology. It benefits from the presence on the site of many digital resources (CorText manager, textObserver / Webobserver, Unitex / Gramlab), developed by professors and researchers interested in the development of social computing. Students will have access to co-working workplaces, like NUMA or Laptop, where they could quickly socialize in the digital world.

NUMI Master’s programme will be conducted under the supervision of:

  • Dominique Cardon, sociologist,  SENSE Orange labs department
  • Bilel Benbouzid, professor and researcher, LISIS


For more information on NUMI Master’s programme:

Appel à projets DIM IS2-IT – Allocations doctorales

Dispositif phare de la politique régionale de recherche mis en place en 2005 par la Région Île-de-France, les domaines d’intérêt majeur (DIM) visent à fédérer des réseaux de laboratoires situés en Île-de-France, agissant sur des domaines labellisés ciblés.

Pour la période 2012-2015, 16 DIM ont été labellisés :

  • Agrosciences, écologie des territoires, alimentation
  • Analytics : Les défis analytiques, du concept au système
  • Astrophysique et conditions d’apparition de la vie
  • Biothérapie : Médecine régénérative, cellules souches et transplantation
  • Cancérologie
  • Cardiovasculaire, obésité, rein, diabète
  • Cerveau et pensée (neurosciences, neurologie, psychiatrie, cognition)
  • Des atomes froids aux nanosciences
  • Genre, inégalités, discriminations
  • Groupe d’études sur le travail et la souffrance au travail
  • Innovation, sciences, techniques, société (DIM IS2-IT)
  • Les pathologies infectieuses humaines : mécanismes, risques et impact sociétal
  • Oxydes multifonctionnels
  • Problématiques transversales aux systèmes complexes
  • Réseau de recherche doctoral de mathématiques de l’Ile-de-France
  • Réseau francilien de recherche sur le développement soutenable

Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur les DIM sur le site internet de la Région Île-de-France.

La majorité des appel à projets émis par les DIM sont lancés conjointement le 15 décembre 2014. Cette coordination a pour objectif de permettre aux porteurs de projets d’identifier le DIM le plus à même de supporter leur projet. En contre partie, un même projet ne peut être déposé qu’à un seul DIM.

Pour les projets à l’interface entre plusieurs DIM, nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de leurs axes thématiques respectifs afin d’identifier l’appel à projets qui semble le plus en adéquation avec votre projet. Après dépôt à un DIM, le dossier ne pourra pas être transmis à un autre DIM.

Le DIM IS2-IT lance un appel à projets pour l’attribution d’allocations doctorales financées par la Région Île-de-France, d’une durée maximale de 3 ans.
Pour les modalités de réponse à l’appel à projets, voir le fichier ci-joint.
Les dossiers complets devront être soumis par voie électronique le 31 mai 2015 à minuit.

Les dossiers seront envoyés à l’adresse suivante :

Appel à projets 2015 DIM IS2-IT – Allocations doctorales

Formulaire AAP bourses doctorales DIM IS2-IT 2015

IFRIS Call for Applications for Post-Doctoral positions 2015

Five (5) post-doctoral positions are available at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Society (

IFRIS welcomes science, technology and society scholars in all the social sciences: history, sociology, political sciences, anthropology, economics, management sciences or law.

The post-doc candidates should propose original research projects that fit within the framework of IFRIS four strategic orientations, which are detailed on IFRIS website:

  • Responsible innovation
  • The transformation of knowledge regimes and knowledge institutions
  • The government of system earth
  • Construction of futures

As can be seen, STS can be understood in a broad sense of issues related to the production and use of science and technologies in societies. Specific issues tackled by the post-doctoral project may relate to public health, biomedicine, agricultural sciences, food security, climate change, biodiversity, environmental questions, ICT, “big data” and internet, historical and social construction of technologies, risk and regulation, development and research policies, global distribution of knowledge, intellectual and property rights and global commons, circulation of knowledge, construction of public research policies, multilevel governance of science and technology, knowledge and local development, regimes of regulations and production of sciences and innovation in society.

Selected candidates will be attached to one of the following IFRIS research units (name and acronym is followed by the scientific organisation to which the unit is attached). See the website links for more details on these units.

Candidates do not need to have previous knowledge of these research groups. Nonetheless, it might be useful for them to consult their websites or take contacts that might help them design their research project. Contacts can be made through the IFRIS Secretariat : julie.rust[at]

Selected candidates are eligible for a contract of up to 24 months, under the standard French salary and work status. Contracts will start the soonest after they have been selected, according to candidates’ previous obligations and engagements, not later than eight months after their selection.

Requirements :

Eligible post-doc candidates should hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or doctoral degree) and should have already fulfilled all the obligations for the acquisition of their doctoral degree (certified by their supervisor).

Eligible post-doc candidates that have still not received their doctoral degree at the time of the closing of this competition, may compete under the provision that they will finish their doctoral obligations within 2015, as certified by their supervisor.

Candidates cannot apply for a post-doc position within a research group where they have prepared their doctoral research work.

Applications :

Formal applications should be sent through a two step procedure.

Step one

Candidates should send by March 31 research proposals, composed of ;

  • A one page Curriculum Vitae. The Vitae should indicate diplomas, trajectory, places and institutions where the candidate has worked and studied. Previous post-docs should be indicated in case there has been any.
  • A complete list of publications.
  • A long summary (maximum 6 pages) of the project, in English. The abstract of the project will state its object, objective, methodology, theoretical position, type of empirical material, research strategy, and motivations for the choice of the topic. The positioning and problematic of the project respect to other work is of importance in this summary.
  • A cover letter written by the candidate to indicate the way they believe their project contributes to IFRIS research agenda. The candidate should indicate her or his former relations to IFRIS research units, in case they exist. Candidates are not requested to indicate in which IFRIS research unit, but nevertheless can do so.

If the proposal is selected, the candidate will receive feedback on the project, its possible integration of research units of IFRIS and will be requested to send a full project (see below).

Step two

Selected candidates in step one should send by April 13, research proposals composed of ;

  • A one page Curriculum Vitae. The Vitae should indicate diplomas, trajectory, places and institutions where the candidate has worked and studied. Previous post-docs should be indicated in case there has been any.
  • A complete list of publications.
  • A research project (No more than ten pages). The project should be written in English, including a plan of activities for the whole 24 months period and a tentative budget. The project should clearly state its objective, methodology, theoretical position, type and mode of collection of empirical material, research strategy, and expected outcomes. It should also indicate the type of expected production out of this period of time (workshops, book, articles, or any other envisioned material).
  • The research project should clearly indicate how it contributes to the consolidation to the research agenda of IFRIS which are presented on IFRIS website (see selection criteria below).
  • A short cover letter written by the candidate that may indicate a possible wish to be hosted in a specific IFRIS research unit.
  • A reference letter directly sent by their doctoral supervisor to IFRIS before June 18th (and for French candidates, their viva report)

Selection criteria :

  • Quality of the research project
  • Relevance in relation to the IFRIS research strategic orientations (
  • Potential of the topic of the to favour the integration of the candidate to the hosting research group
  • Quality of the candidate’s academic and research trajectory

The application will be sent in one single file, pdf format, and should be saved under the following name:
Name_appelpostdoc_IFRIS.pdf (where “name” is the last name of the candidate)

Applications (step one) should be sent before March 31, 2015 to: Julie Rust, IFRIS

Useful dates :

Deadline: March 31, 2015 (step one) and April 13, 2015 (step two)

–          February 23nd : Launch of the call

–          March 31: Reception of proposals (step one)

–          April 13: Dead-line for the reception of complete applications (step two)

–          June 18: Deadline for the reception of the doctoral supervisor’s reference later

–          Second week of July: acceptance decision sent to the candidates

Call for Contributions – « Autrepart » journal, Issue No 83

A call for abstracts for a special issue of the peer reviewed academic journal Autrepart on “Autochthonous knowledge and development”.
Proposed abstracts and full (invited) manuscript submissions are respectively du 15 th February and 30 th April 2015.

« Autrepart«  is a multidisciplinary social science journal co-published by the Presses de Sciences-Po and the Institute of Research for Development (IRD). Is the only social science journal devoted entirely to developing countries. Through three thematic and one non-thematic issue each year, the journal aims at promoting reflection on developing countries to improve the understanding of their contemporary diversity and dynamics. The journal is indexed in African Studies Centre (Leiden), Codesria Current Contents,  Crossref, Cultures, Langues, Textes (CNRS), IBSS, Ingenta; FRANCIS (INIST) and JournalSee.


Séminaire “Data, digital methods and mapping social complexity”

Une équipe de chercheurs de l’IFRIS et de Sciences Po organise et anime à l’ENSCI, de février à juillet 2014, un séminaire de recherche de la plateforme CorTexT (IFRIS) et du médialab (Sciences Po), sur le thème « Data, digital methods and mapping social complexity: Visualizing social and semantic dynamics in the social sciences« .

Le séminaire est destiné à un public de doctorant(e)s, chercheurs, ingénieurs et designers. Les rencontres auront lieu huit jeudi après-midis ainsi que deux journées complètes dans l’Espace Viénot de l’ENSCI, située au rez-de-chaussée du 48 rue Saint Sabin, Paris. La langue de travail sera le français, excepté lors des séances auxquelles sont invités des chercheurs anglophones. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la présentation du séminaire et le programme des sessions.

Inscriptions :

Présentation du séminaire

Les cartes sont des représentations visuelles de l’espace. Ce sont des images codifiées qui permettent de signaler la présence d’éléments sur un territoire donné comme des objets, des zones ou des flux. L’art cartographique a une histoire longue et riche. Initialement conçu pour assister le déplacement des hommes et des biens, la carte vise à représenter l’espace géographique en positionnant des éléments graphiques sur une surface bidimensionnelle. En tant qu’outil figuratif, la carte est rapidement devenu un instrument de recherche et de gestion. De fait, la pratique cartographique a fortement marqué nos façons de représenter, naviguer, comprendre, organiser et contester les espaces que nous habitons.

L’avènement récent de l’informatique et des satellites a profondément bouleversé la pratique cartographique. Les Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (SIG) permettent aujourd’hui de capter, stocker, manier, analyser et gérer des données spatiales pour assister la science et la prise de décision. Les satellites permettent de positionner et suivre des mouvements sur l’intégralité du globe terrestre alors que des millions d’utilisateurs accèdent à des cartes interactives via leurs ordinateurs ou téléphones portables.

En parallèle à ces développements, un nombre croissant de chercheurs en sciences sociales s’intéresse à la représentation de données non-spatiales. Ces représentations sont régulièrement présentées comme des cartes de territoires inconnus, capables de figurer l’émergence, la stabilisation et la déstabilisation de phénomènes sociaux complexes. En mobilisant des outils d’extraction, de traitement automatisé et de visualisation de données provenant de sources hétérogènes (corpus de documents, bases de données, données web), ces chercheurs espèrent cartographier de façon dynamique des phénomènes sociaux à différents degrés de granularité. La transition technique et épistémologique ouverte par ces outils est parfois nommée Humanités Digitales. Ces développements semblent particulièrement attractifs pour les chercheurs intéressés par l’étude quantitative des phénomènes sociaux. Ainsi, ces outils pourraient combler le fossé méthodologique qui sépare l’analyse des interactions spécifiques de celles des structures globales.

Au vu de l’expansion constante de la production et de la circulation de données numériques, il paraît essentiel pour les chercheurs en sciences sociales de s’interroger sur ces nouvelles sources de données ainsi que sur les outils et méthodes pour les analyser. Parmi ces dernières, l’analyse de réseau permet de positionner les acteurs en visualisant leurs interactions. Elle complète les analyses statistiques (régression, analyse de correspondance etc.), offrant un nouvel angle pour étudier la société faite et en train de se faire. Une telle approche ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour de nombreux champs disciplinaires en sciences sociales, allant de la sociologie des sciences et des techniques aux sciences politiques.

Mais d’où viennent ces outils ? Le développement de logiciels de traitement et de visualisation de données tels que Gephi, le CorTexT Manager, Science Scape et Hyphe sont le fruit de travaux interdisciplinaires, à l’intersection de la linguistique informatique, du data mining, de l’intelligence artificielle, des systèmes dynamiques et de la science des réseaux. Ces communautés ont travaillé sur des problèmes variés comme l’extraction, le parsing, la désambiguation, le clustering, le filtrage et la visualisation de données. De même, la sémiologie graphique mobilisée dans ces logiciels se nourrit de travaux en cartographie et en design. Ainsi, pour produire des visualisations pertinentes, robustes et lisibles, les chercheurs en sciences sociales peuvent se tourner vers des communautés de chercheurs et de praticiens déjà structurées autour de problèmes et de méthodes spécifiques.

Le séminaire vise à orchestrer la rencontre et favoriser l’échange entre ces communautés (chercheurs en sciences sociales et sciences « exactes », ingénieurs et designers) à travers la lecture, la présentation et la discussion de textes académiques et non académiques, de travaux d’invités et d’outils.

Vous trouverez en pièce jointe la feuille de route (en anglais) que nous avons construite pour arpenter les multiples questions et manières de faire auxquelles sont confrontés les cartographes en herbe de la complexité sociale.

Programme des sessions


27.02.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:00-17:30
Richard Rogers (University of Amsterdam)
06.03.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:00-17:30
Mapping science and technology through structured data
Jean-Philippe Cointet (INRA)
27.03.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:30-18:00
Digitized archives and distant reading
Claire Lemercier (Sciences Po) [à confirmer]
10.04.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:30-18:00
Natively digital data mapping
Nortje Marres (Goldsmiths University of London)
24.04.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:30-18:00
Transformative interactions: web effects on social dynamics
Pas d’invité
15.05.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:30-18:00
Visualizing complexity
Donato Ricci (Sciences Po)
05.06.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:00-17:30
Spatializing data
Jacques Levy (EPFL)
19.06.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot // 14:30-18:00
Activism, journalism, decision-making : DMT’s in practice
Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou (Regards Citoyens) & Data journaliste [à confirmer]
10.07.14-11.07.14 // ENSCI – Espace Viénot [à confirmer] // 9:30-17:30
Avec la participation des équipes de la plateforme CorTexT de l’IFRIS et du médialab Sciences Po

Presentation of the RISIS project, coordinated by Philippe Larédo

The European Commission has recently selected the RISIS project, Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies, led by a community of researchers from 13 partner institutions across 10 European countries and steered by the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. The French team is composed of IFRIS members, from LATTS and INRA SenS. Its coordinator, Philippe Larédo, tells us more about the project.

You recently received funding from the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for a project in the field of research and innovation policies. Can you explain us what this project will be?

First, this project is not a research project in the traditional sense. It is an infrastructure project, that is to say, a project whose goal is to share a set of original databases that were built in the 2000s about new issues that arose in the areas of research and innovation policies.
These databases have two characteristics: first, they are designed from publicly available data, and not from statistical data. This allows to maintain the identity of stakeholders and to follow their strategies over time.
The second aspect of these databases is that they make it possible to answer to current issues. Let us take a few examples: understanding the dynamics of innovation of fast-growing medium-sized enterprises. We have presently no knowledge about this size of firms which is judged critical for the European economic fabric, we have only knowledge only start-up firms on the one hand, and large companies on the other. Another example, on a completely different issue: we have extended knowledge on European integration through European funding programmes, but there has been a very rapid development of shared funding programmes by national funding agencies and it is important to follow their growing role in the construction of the ERA.

More specifically, what are the issues of the RISIS project?

This project aims on the one hand to gather, consolidate, harmonize and make available to researchers, a total of 14 databases, covering 5 research topics: the dynamics of innovation (globalization of industrial R&D, start-up but also fast-growing medium-sized enterprises), the transformation of universities and of public research organisations, the process of Europeanisation (of researchers, and research funding), the dynamics of emerging science and technologies and the evaluation of research policies. On the other hand, the project will allow researchers to access new data processing tools, including semantic tools, by using two platforms, the IFRIS CorTexT platform being one of them (

Why did you choose to propose a project on these issues?

It is more complicated than that. At a European level, in this type of infrastructure projects that aim at integrating dispersed facilities, there are two successive levels of decision-making. At the first level, the European Commission and its committees choose the areas in which they consider it interesting to integrate existing national or distributed infrastructures. In 2011, The Commission decided to include our area of research in its thematic programme, and this was a surprise for many of us. We had already built a European Network of Indicators Designers (ENID), because we were convinced that there was a renewal, which needed to be well structured. We thus considered this inscription in the Framework Programme as a unique opportunity to materialize our ambition. So we brought together the competent Community in Europe to build a robust project, it is I believe, what we have done with RISIS.

Is this reflection on indicators at the centre of your current research?

The answer is always the same! From the moment when one is embarked on a major project (this was the case when I led PRIME network of excellence on research and innovation policies), when one coordinates many partners, with significant resources and a program which includes, roughly speaking, a hundred different actions, by definition, it becomes the core element of one’s professional career. RISIS will be the last “large” project of my career!

What is the project schedule?

The project is expected to last for four years, starting from January 1st, 2014, but in these infrastructure projects, this is a theoretical duration. If we are convincing and demonstrate our usefulness, it will probably be extended for an additional four years, but as far as I am concerned, I will hand over at the end of 2017. If we do not sufficiently demonstrate it, the project will probably last five years.

Do you have recommendations or remarks to give to researchers wishing to respond to upcoming European calls for projects?

One should only submit projects for research he or she is willing to do, not for tapping opportunities that arise.


The RISIS project gathers the following research structures, universities and scientific institutions:

Coordinator: Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (France)

Other beneficiaries: AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), the Italian CNR and the Spanish CSIC, NIFU in Norway, IFQ in Germany, the Nieman institute of Technion (Israel) and the universities of Amsterdam (free university), Leiden, Manchester, Milano (Politecnico), Lugano (USI) and Sussex (SPRU).

Philippe Larédo in focus

Philippe Lare?doDirector of research at Ecole des Ponts (Laboratory Technology, Territories and Societies, LATTS) and Professor at the University of Manchester (Manchester Business School, Institute of innovation research), Philippe Larédo is a graduate of HEC and Doctor in economics from EHESS. His research interests are in breakthrough innovation and the construction of markets, research and innovation policies and evolving organisational features of public sector research. Philippe Larédo has coordinated PRIME European network of excellence (Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards the ERA) from 2004 to 2009.
